Friday, January 19, 2007

Outerspace is really out there...

Have you heard about the 'hobbit' galaxies?
Outerspace is really out there....

A recent sky survey has turned up eight new members in our Local Group of galaxies, including a new class of ultra-faint "hobbit" galaxies and what might be the smallest galaxy ever discovered.
The eighth and most recently spotted galaxy is in many ways the most interesting. Dubbed Leo T, it is located about 1.4 million light-years away from Earth, so far away that it floats freely in space, unperturbed by the Milky Way.
Unlike the other hobbit galaxies, Leo T includes both old and young stars. It also contains large amounts of neutral hydrogen gas — a prime ingredient of star formation - suggesting it is still an active stellar nursery.
Because of its great distance, Leo T is also the dimmest of the new hobbits.
photo & text courtesy &, 01/15/07

Psalm 19:1-4
The Law of the Lord Is Perfect
To the choirmaster. A Psalm of David.
19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God,and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.2 Day to day pours out speech,and night to night reveals knowledge.3 There is no speech, nor are there words,whose voice is not heard.4 Their voice goes out through all the earth,and their words to the end of the world.In them he has set a tent for the sun, (
What does today's God's Story scripture teach us about God's creation and how we should view it?
In this psalm, David is meditating on God's power and our limitations. God's ultimate power is displayed all around us through His incredible handiwork! God's creation is all about His Space, not myspace!
When you look at the heavens (sun, moon, stars), you are seeing dramatic proof of God's existence, His power, His love, and His care for you and me. Anyone who says that the universe just happened by chance has their head in outerspace. God's "gihugic" creation and His attention to design and detail just scream out the truth of a Creator Who is personally involved in our lives.
The scientists who discovered the 'hobbit' galaxies are enjoying a thrill of a lifetime as they look beyond our Milky Way. Talk about a far away perspective! God wants us to make this discovery - that as we abide in Christ, we will take on His perspective if we take a look at His creation and worship Him. His power and care are undeniable.

How can you connect today's God's Story scripture to your life?
Talk to God right now about His power and care in your life. Confess the times that you take His creation for granted. Praise Him for His amazing display of His creative power and personal care in your life. Thank Him that His creation reveals the Truth about Him to you and the world.
Try to take a walk every day when you talk to Jesus about your walk with Him. Take a couple of minutes to look at God's creation and then listen to His Spirit at work in you.
In your journal, write a daily example of how you are amazed by God's creative power.
Let any media coverage about outerspace remind you to enjoy God's creation and perspective.

How can you connect the truth of today's story, God's story, and your story to others who need to know Jesus?
Remember, that even though the psalmist is telling us that part of God's Story is being told to the world through His creation, we still need to do our part. God's creative handiwork communicates His existence and power, but His story of salvation through Jesus Christ is found in the Bible. Jesus has told His followers to tell God's Story to "the ends of the earth".
So....pray, show others Christ's love, and listen to their stories. Look for those moments when you can talk about God's creation with others. Look for those moments when you can share your story of how Jesus gave you a personal relationship with the Creator.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is so nice to see someone who not only suggests that we consider God in His creation, but offers suggestions of exact ways we can do that. So often, when you read other meditations, you end up wondering, how do I use this in my own life? Your words certainly answer that question. Thanks for posting them!